Halloween Celebrigays: Fiercely Devilish Adam Lambert


Adam Lambert is having a busy Halloween. With his tour headlining with Queen heads into its final set of dates, Lambert is also part of opening West Hollywood's newest bar, The Wild. Upon receiving its temporary liquor license, the bar had a soft opening last Friday with an official opening upcoming.

"According to a source," the WeHo Times writes, "they are testing things out for Halloween, and they plan to close again after the big Carnaval celebration to add some finishing touches before they have a grand opening in the near future."

The bar will be open during the City of West Hollywood's iconic Halloween Carnaval, which will take place Santa Monica Boulevard on October 31, 2023, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. In addition, there will be Halloween celebrations at West Hollywood's one-of-a-kind bars, restaurants, clubs, hotels, entertainment venues, and more on Halloween and during the preceding weekend.

But don't expect Lambert at the bar's opening: he will be performing with Queen in Chicago for a Halloween night concert as part of the Rhapsody Tour.

He recently shared a Halloween Instagram pic that featured him a sexy, sophisticated devil. In the pic, Lambert wears a black blazer with a red-and-white leopard-patterned shirt and a mammoth gold chain holding what appears to be headphones. His impeccably groomed look features his slicked-back, coiffed grey hair and a shade of a beard and mustache. Protruding from his hair are a pair of glittering, red devil horns.

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