December 16, 2024
EDGE Interview: JustFor.Fans Creator Blew Velvet Isn't Softening for 2025
Timothy Rawles READ TIME: 5 MIN.
Saturn has returned to the same position it was in when JustFor.Fans adult content creator Blew Velvet was born. Now, he says he is "Ready for anything!"
At 31, he still has a lot to do and that includes creating more content for his popular account on the adult subscription platform. He is an independent artist who prefers JustFor.Fans over others because of its business style. He says the industry has changed so quickly in the past few years, but that's not a bad thing. It turns out those changes are positive for creators if companies pivot toward appreciating their talent like JustFor.Fans does.
"Some other major sites seem to not care about us (sex workers, queer people) in any meaningful way, or at least are not really able to relate to us," Blew says in an email interview with EDGE, adding, "I know the JFF crew (a handful) personally and they're people I actually know and like and have even been on vacation with."
Blew has been marketing his sexual image since he was 19, although he is keeping that journey private. He says he dropped out of high school but earned his GED later on. Now, approximately a decade later, he's making 2025 a personal renaissance.
"[This year] has been a year of huge change for me, including my shooting routine," he says. "I've taken most of the year off to move back to NYC suddenly and have busted my ass with my face-to-face jobs, healed a broken foot over summer, and have applied for school! I'm happy to say that after everything I should be back to regular uploads very soon, in fact, my first shoot since June is happening this morning!"
Blew has tattoos on his face, neck, and body giving him a punk appearance. But his green puppydog eyes soften the intensity, making them less bellicose. It's a fashion that suits him, especially on camera. Additionally, it shatters the rabble-rouser stereotype.
Recently, through a strange series of events he won't go into, Blew found himself living in Mexico. He says it was one of the best years of his life. On a similar whimsy, he moved to Germany for what he says was, "part love, part adventure, part old plans to be somewhere I thought I needed to be!"
He's back in New York now working on more than just adult content – he also has a talent for music, and he is literally getting his groove back. He has a handful of older songs on his YouTube channel.
"My music is all over the place, I suppose my main project is sort of alternative pop/lyrical stuff that often stems from my feelings about sex and boys," Blew explains. "I've got two other projects on the stove now and we'll be cooking with gas in 2025. I've opened up my projects under a new umbrella/DIY imprint called 'entra' which is housing that former project, a new freak-folk adjacent one, and my ambient/experimental mix series called 'Radio Samt.'"
There should be plenty of time for that since he doesn't have a contract with any major adult studio. He doesn't want one. "It'd have to be a pretty fierce stack of papers to get me into exclusivity!"
But there are models he would like to work with, he says. He currently favors Jonathan Miranda, and he's not alone. Latino men have become a popular search term in the industry. PornHub just released their most searched-for terms, and "Latino" is up eight spots over last year. It's a big win for diversity considering "twink" remains at number one.
To that, Blew says the industry is as diverse as the people who have access to production equipment. He adds that even he doesn't have to be the stereotypical tattooed troublemaking punk, twinks don't have to be a submissive cliché, and men of color no longer have to be portrayed as faceless well-endowed dominant tops.
"Don't get me wrong I think studios have historically responded to audience metrics and consumer data, but those same studios are the ones for perpetuating standards that often box minority content producers into small corners," Blew contends. "That being said, there is also power in branding and being able to formulate your porn branding to tap into deep wells that were there before you got there. But more and more I think that the porn world is allowing people to fill in niches that have always existed, letting people find out that their uniqueness doesn't need to be exacerbated in order to garner followers, etc, sometimes it is just as organic as being yourself."
That's what Blew wants to be in 2025 – himself. Maybe a more enhanced version. "Right now my goals are to complete school in 2026, I have two music projects to finish before summer of 2025 too," he says. "Otherwise, I'll be spending 2025 with heaps of beautiful people on and off camera, so please come by and stay tuned."