100+ Constituents Occupy DC Congressional Offices; Demand 'Don't Kill Me, Kill the Bill'


Constituents afraid of losing their healthcare, many of them with serious health conditions, plan to travel from their homes in at least 21 states around the country to Washington D.C. Monday, July 10 to occupy the offices of their members of Congress to stop the Republican healthcare bill.

The action on Monday, which is Congress' first day back from recess, is aimed at keeping up the pressure on Senators following a series of protests across the country this week and last week's sit-ins over healthcare in D.C.

Doctors, nurses, health care aides, and people with chronic health conditions will be traveling from Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Maine, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,Tennessee, Texas, Nevada, West Virginia, New Jersey, Florida, and other states to demand that their elected officials kill the Republican healthcare bill.

The actions, which will include acts of civil disobedience, will be led by Center for Popular Democracy and its affiliates, including Arizona-based LUCHA, Rights & Democracy Vermont, as well as Housing Works, People's Action, and GMHC. These groups will be joined by a nation-wide network of activists who have been filling town hall meetings of their elected officials around the country to demand the health care America needs, rather than sacrificing lives to pay for a tax cut for the wealthy.

The health care protests will be held at 12:30 p.m. EST on Monday, July 10. Meet at the elevator bank near the north entrance to the cafeteria at Dirksen Senate Building. House members who voted for the bill will also be hit. Tentative media meet up spot: North end of Longworth House Office Building Cafeteria, opposite serving counters. Media leads with signs for Center for Popular Democracy and Housing Works will take reporters to the targeted offices.

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