Leslea Newman Honored by Golden Crown Literary Society


On July 8 at Chicago's Crowne Plaza O'Hare, the Golden Crown Literary Society will honor author Leslea Newman, author of "Heather Has Two Mommies," at their Thirteenth Annual Conference.

"Heather Has Two Mommies" by Lesl�a Newman has been an essential part of American literary history, children's literature, LGBT literature, politics, and popular culture. The American Library Association ranked it the 11th most frequently challenged book in the 1990s. In 1994, the book was read into the congressional record as a way of denying federal aid to public schools that encouraged or supported "homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative." "Heather Has Two Mommies" has been referenced in popular TV shows such as "Gilmore Girls" and "Will and Grace."

Originally co-published by Newman and Tzivia Gover, who owned a small desktop publishing company called In Other Words, in 1989, "Heather Has Two Mommies," illustrated by Diana Souza, was subsequently released by Alyson Publications (Alyson Books). Alyson Books also released 10th and 20th Anniversary editions. In 2012, Candlewick obtained the rights and relaunched "Heather Has Two Mommies" in 2015 -- twenty-five years after Alyson's first release -- with new illustrations by Laura Cornell.

Newman writes on her website, "Many years ago, a woman stopped me on the street and said, 'I don't have a book to read to my daughter that shows a family like ours. Someone should write one.' So I did!" More than twenty-five years later, "Heather Has Two Mommies" remains as relevant as ever.

The GCLS aims to recognize books that convey meaningful lesbian experiences with influential historical value to the lesbian community. The Lee Lynch Classic Award honors a specific book that is timeless. The award was first presented in 2012 to "The Swashbuckler" by Lee Lynch, the namesake for this prestigious award. The Lee Lynch Classic Award is selected by GCLS Trailblazers from nominations submitted over a four-month period.

The Golden Crown Literary Society (GCLS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit, volunteer organization whose mission is education, and the promotion and recognition of lesbian literature. Our goals are to provide learning opportunities, encouragement, and assistance to new and established authors in developing their craft; support and strengthen quality lesbian writing by providing educational programs and creating opportunities for readers and writers to interact, and to recognize and promote lesbian literary work.

For more information, visit http://www.goldencrown.org

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