LCR Head Blasts 'Gay Left' Over Census Outrage, Calls LGBTQ Question 'Outing'


Gregory T. Angelo, president of Log Cabin Republicans, continued his ongoing feud with LGBTQ rights groups Wednesday over their outrage stemming from the Trump administration's decision to remove LGBTQ demographic questions from the 2020 census questionnaire.

In an email sent to followers Angelo again took aim with his favorite target: the "gay left."

"How many more times can the Gay Left cry wolf?" he wrote. "In this era of hot takes and fake news, there's nothing quite like a clickbait headline to set the wheels of The Liberal Outrage Machine� whirring with breathless�exasperations about anything and everything GOP."

LGBTQ rights groups supported the move to include sexual orientation on the 2020 census. According to AP, the census bureau counts Americans according to race, gender and other characteristics that help lawmakers decide how to dole out taxpayer money for government services.

"They can't address what they can't see. They're making it so there's no information to understand the needs of the LGBT community," said Laura Durso, vice president of the LGBT Research and Communications Project at the Center for American Progress, a nonprofit liberal advocacy group.

"If the government doesn't know how many LGBTQ people live in a community, how can it do its job to ensure we're getting fair and adequate access to the rights, protections and services we need?" said Meghan Maury, Criminal and Economic Justice Project Director, National LGBTQ Task Force.

Yet, Angelo sees the question on the census as a form of outing.

"Nevermind (sic)�- the fact that outing is always wrong," Angelo wrote, suggesting the question on the census form was a demand from the government.

"It's possible to have a good-faith debate about the size and scope of the federal Census, but half-truths and a lefty-media blame game in which everything�Republicans do is bad and the Democrats are the sole arbiters of good is a disservice to journalism and a disservice to our�republic," Angelo continued.

Never one to miss an opportunity to fund raise, Angelo concluded his email with an appeal for cash.

"Help us push back against the endless�liberal media churn and fight for the facts!" he wrote. "Your donation today to Log Cabin Republicans of $500, $250, $100 or whatever you can give�will help us combat the smears, promote truth, and stand up for�real�equality."

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