Best Women's Books of 2015

Winnie McCroy READ TIME: 10 MIN.

From the history of Wonder Woman to the struggle for marriage equality, women's struggles came to life in the pages of powerful new books this year. Beginning writers and old hats alike put pen to paper, in an effort to share their stories with the world. Even some EDGE contributors like Jenny Block and former reviewer Sassafras Lowery released great new tomes! So this winter, pick up a good book; EDGE will help you choose, with these top ten picks from the past year!

The DOMA Destroyer: Attorney Roberta Kaplan's New Book Tells Story Behind Legal Battle For Same-Sex Marriage: Edie Windsor's attorney, Roberta Kaplan, chronicles the marriage equality struggle in her new book, "Then Comes Marriage: United States V. Windsor and the Defeat of DOMA." It tells the story of the case that ultimately brought marriage equality before the United States Supreme Court in one of this country's most significant civil rights victories. Read more here.

Lillian Faderman on 'The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle': Internationally respected scholar Lillian Faderman delivers another impressive tome to her literary fans, "The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle." The book covers the 1950s to the present struggle for gay, lesbian and transgender rights. Told through dramatic accounts of passionate struggles of our community, the book is based on rigorous research gained from more than 150 interviews. Read more here.

Jill Lepore Reads From 'The Secret History of Wonder Woman': Wonder Woman, created in 1941, is the most popular female superhero of all time. Aside from Superman and Batman, no superhero has lasted as long or commanded so vast and wildly passionate a following. Harvard historian Jill Lepore's new book, "The Secret History of Wonder Woman" reads like a detective novel -- full of larger than life personalities, surprises, secrets, and revelations that Lepore gleaned from archives of private and unpublished papers. Read more here.

Edie Windsor to Appear at Aug. 11 'First Comes Love' Book Release in Ptown: "'First Comes Love' has it right," said supporter Evan Wolfson, President of Freedom to Marry. "It's the faces and stories of real people that open hearts and minds and pave the way to legal and social change." Read more here.

Biography of Barbara Gittings Out for Pride: "Barbara Gittings just about leaps from the pages of Tracy Baim's celebratory biography of the gay rights movement's happiest warrior," said Eric Marcus, author of Making Gay History. "Determined, persistent, persuasive and wicked-smart, Barbara wielded her smile like a machete, demolishing all demagogues and fools who got in the way of what she knew to be true about herself and the rest of us. How lucky were we that she was born at a time when we so desperately needed her to help blaze our path to freedom." Read more here.

Lesbian Romance Novels Give Readers a Guilty Escape: To relax and escape, Christine Svendsen of Sapphire Books Publishing suggests one of a wide range of lesbian action/adventure, science fiction, fantasy and romance. Although some women turn up their nose at lowbrow pulp fiction, Svendsen says there is a place for what she considers literary 'junk food': a quick, easy to consume book that lets you escape whatever ails you at the time. Read more here.

Best Orgasm Ever With Jenny Block's New Book, 'O Wow': "Reaching ultimate orgasm is important because it leaves women sexually satisfied in a way that nothing else can. It is her own orgasm best," said Block. "Each woman's ultimate orgasm is different. What it really means is an orgasm that leaves you wanting nothing more." Read more here.

Lambda Winner Sassafras Lowery Releases 'Lost Boi': In "Lost Boi," Sassafras Lowery's queer punk reimagining of the classic Peter Pan story, prepare to be swept overboard into a world of orphaned, abandoned and runaway bois who have sworn allegiance and service to Pan, the fearless leader of the Lost Bois brigade and the newly corrupted Mommy Wendi who, along with the tomboy John Michael, Pan convinces to join him at Neverland. Read more here.

Sara Bareilles Gives a Sneak Peek of Upcoming Book: Five-time Grammy nominated singer/songwriter Sara Bareilles book, "Sounds Like Me: My Life (So Far) In Song," a candid collection of essays by Simon & Schuster, will pull back the curtain on Bareilles' journey as a songwriter -- sharing her process as well as revealing both the joy and struggle that come with creating great work while staying true to yourself. Read more here.

Gloria Steinem in Conversation with Cheryl Strayed in Seattle: Hedgebrook and Elliott Bay Book Company presented Gloria Steinem in conversation with Cheryl Strayed at Seattle's Benaroya Hall to celebrate the release of Steinem's new book�"My Life On the Road," penned by Steinem largely�at Hedgebrook's Whidbey Island retreat. Read more here.

by Winnie McCroy , EDGE Editor

Winnie McCroy is the Women on the EDGE Editor, HIV/Health Editor, and Assistant Entertainment Editor for EDGE Media Network, handling all women's news, HIV health stories and theater reviews throughout the U.S. She has contributed to other publications, including The Village Voice, Gay City News, Chelsea Now and The Advocate, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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