Tweeted Pic of Hillary Clinton and Pussy Riot Goes Viral


Former Secretary of State and presumed 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner, Hilary Clinton took time on Thursday at the fifth annual Women in the World Summit in New York to pose for a photo with two members of the Russian punk protest group Pussy Riot.

A photograph of Hillary Clinton with two members of the Russian punk rock protest band taken on Thursday evening has been tweeted by Mrs. Clinton with the message:

Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot, who refuse to let their voices be silenced in #Russia.

The tweet quickly went viral with close to 5,000 favorites and close to 4,100 retweets in six hours.

The photo op came on the eve of the two members of Pussy Riot's appearance on a Charlie Rose moderated panel discussion at the fifth annual Woman in the World Summit in New York City.

The Daily Beast reports that in the speech delivered by Mrs. Clinton at the Summit, the former first lady criticized Russian president Vladmir Putin, saying:

"Putin is motivated by the past, to recreate it, reclaim it, restore the proper place of Russia in the world order. I believe over the long run this is a losing strategy, but U.S. and allies have to be both strong and patient. Part of our problem is we are a raucous democracy. But we have to say no to somebody like Putin in a smart way."

The retweeted photo drew compliments across the Twitterverse, mostly pointing out the irony of a possible President of the United States posing with a band bearing such a sexually provocative name.

@HillaryClinton tweeted a picture with #PussyRiot. Please be my next president!

@HillaryClinton Hillary and Pussy Riot. That's it. Day's done. Couldn't get better unless it started raining equality.


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