Mich. RNC Official: Russia's Anti-Gay Law is 'Common Sense'

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The Michigan Republican National Committeeman, who made headlines last year for saying gay men seek free health care benefits because they are afraid contracting AIDS is in, is making waves again for lauding Russia's highly controversial anti-gay law.

According to the Washington Blade, RNC Committeeman Dave Agema discussed his support for the measure, which he called "common sense," by taking to his Facebook on Jan. 7.

Though the post has been deleted, the Blade reports that GOP officials screen captured the post, where Agema posted a link to an Illinois Family Institute blog post called "Russia's Anti-Propaganda Law Riles Pro-Homosexuality Crowd."

"Read their law. Common sense in Russia!" the post reportedly read.

The article's author, Laurie Higgins, writes that it "hardly sounds unreasonable to fine adults $150 for trying to inculcate other people's children with their subjective beliefs about sexual morality, but nothing angers homosexual activists quite like being denied access to the hearts and minds of other people's minor children."

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the bill into law last summer, which fines individuals, businesses and organizations for spreading "propaganda" about "non-traditional sexual relationships" in order to protect the country's children.

This isn't the first time Agema, the former Grandville, Mich., state representative, has been in hot water for his anti-gay views. In an incident that mirrors his current drama, he refused to resign from his position after he posted an anti-gay article on his Facebook in March 2013, called "Everyone Should Know These Statistics on Homosexuals.

A group of 21 Michigan Republicans responded to the post, calling it "deplorable." Nevertheless, Agema told the Associated Press he believes marriage is a union between one man and one woman and will "absolutely not resign."

During a GOP holiday party last month, Agema came under fire for reportedly accusing gays for pushing for health care reform because they die earlier in life.

"(Gay people) want free medical because they're dying (when they're) between 30 and 44 years old," Agema allegedly said. "To me, it's a moral issue. It's a Biblical issue. Traditional marriage is where it should be and it's in our platform. Those in our party who oppose traditional marriage are wrong."

Those comments didn't sit well with other Michigan Republicans, including Gov. Rick Snyder. A spokeswoman for Snyder said that Agema's statements "are extremely discriminatory."

"We shouldn't tolerate discrimination of any kind," she said. "There shouldn't be room for that in any political party. We must make sure everyone is treated with respect and civility."

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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