Joe Boxer Christmas Ad Puts Kmart on One Million Moms' 'Naughty' List

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The anti-gay American Family Association group One Million Moms, best known for their boycotts on everything from electric razors to salad dressing, have taken issue with a new Kmart commercial that features a group of hunky men jingling their - uh bells, to the tune of "Jingle Bells."

In an email to their supporters, which total far less than one million, OMM writes that the Kmart ad is "not only offensive - but this once family department store has made a deliberate decision to produce controversial advertisements instead of wholesome ones. This is a terrible plan on Kmart's part, especially at this time of year!"

"The title of the current ad is 'Show Your Joe' and focuses on several men wearing Joe Boxer shorts thrusting to the tune of Jingle Bells," the statement reads. "They start shaking themselves instead of the hand bells, intending to make their "bells" ring in song - which is highly inappropriate.

"This commercial is airing during primetime even during Christmas movies on family networks such as the Hallmark Channel, which families will likely watch together," the statement continues. "Kmart should be more responsible in their marketing decisions. Let them know that as a parent and a consumer you are disgusted by their recent marketing choices."

The ad's video has gone viral, earning more than 11 million views since it was posted on YouTube on Nov. 15.

The Moms aren't sitting on their hands, however. According to the Moms' website, the group is launching a social media campaign in order to take down the "filthy" commercial. OMM has asked their followers to take action posting the following message to their Facebook page:

"Kmart's distasteful new commercial has to go! This ad should be pulled off the air immediately. You can also post a comment on Kmart's Facebook page by clicking here."

OMM then adds,"(Please keep in mind that not everyone on Facebook will have the same view as you. Having thick skin comes with the territory of taking a stand.)"

OMM supporters who are Twitter users are asked to tweet, "@kmart Shame on Kmart for airing inappropriate commercials. #kmart."

Those who aren't media savvy needn't fear - OMM has provided a phone number so supporters can call and directly complain to Kmart officials.

When OMM posted their plan to take down Kmart on Facebook, a number of users responded. The post currently has 415 likes and 324 shares.

"Everyone is intitled (sic) to their opinion so here is mine. I thought it was cute, funny and creative. Living with all boys (4) they are getting Joe Boxer's and they better play music. Relax not so bad," one Facebook user wrote on OMM's status, which has 18 likes.

"Y'all SERIOUSLY need to lighten up & learn how to pick your battles," another wrote.

"I love this commercial! If y'all are so against the slightest hint of sex how did you become moms in the first place...just saying," reads another comment.

As of this writing, One Million Moms numbered 60,739 on Facebook.

Watch the "Show Your Joe" clip below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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