Middle School Gay-Student Club Fights Bullying

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 1 MIN.

FORT WORTH, Texas -- Educators at a Fort Worth middle school have formed an alliance between gay and straight students in response to bullying on school campuses.

The club is called Gay, Lesbian and Everybody Else, or GLEE. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports the group at Daggett Middle School on Fort Worth's South Side is one of a handful of gay-straight organizations that have formed on Fort Worth school campuses.

Daggett seventh-grade social studies teacher Lisa Earley is GLEE's campus sponsor. She says students "wanted a place where they felt safe."

Fort Worth school district guidance and counseling director Kathryn Everest says about seven Gay-Straight Alliance groups have formed at district high schools.

But Earley says middle school can be difficult for students as their sexualities emerge and they begin to question themselves.

by Bobby McGuire

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